Welcome home!

Welcome to the Strasburg Presbyterian Church! We've been expecting you. We are a community of faith led by the Holy Spirit to worship and witness for our Lord Jesus Christ. God is busy here and we invite you to join our growing church family for worship, Sunday School, Bible study, fellowship, and service. God’s all embracing love compels us to share our Christian faith and hope with our neighbor, our community, and our world.

Photographer: Aaron Riddle
At Strasburg Presbyterian Church we provide opportunities for you to grow in Christian maturity. Together we seek God’s guidance in deepening our Biblical understanding and strengthening our commitment to a Christian lifestyle. We invite you to join us that we might grow in Christ together. Feel free to leave a message on the church office phone and your call will be returned or drop us an email at: [email protected]
The Rev. David D. Howard, Pastor
“… That in everything Christ might be pre-eminent.” Colossians 1:18
The Rev. David D. Howard, Pastor
“… That in everything Christ might be pre-eminent.” Colossians 1:18